Hello lovelies.
Well, what a downpour we've just had. Whilst the rain is great for the garden, I have to say that
my favourite rose bush took quite a battering. I was almost tempted to go and stand over it with
an umbrella!
When the rain finally stopped I went out to inspect the damage, or rather, the pretty mess.
I ended up with a trug full of broken blooms 😔. Oh well, not to be deterred, I started thinking
about what I could do with them, (such short notice, I'd got nothing in for any liquor, jam or bath
bomb- creams). So I salvaged a few for decoration.
I love to display single blooms in old glass bottles, teacups and milk jugs. This variety of Rose
Is called Gertrude Jekyll, and is available from David Austin. It is prolific, and has the most amazing
So I've pulled off the rest of the petals and have separated them into three batches for some
very easy makes. I'm simply letting some dry, as it's always handy to have some dried rose petals.
The perfume of this variety is wonderful, so add to bath bombs, tea or just put some in a pretty
Then with some fresh ones I'm making Rose petal ice cubes. So simple.
And with the last batch I'm making edible petals. To do this, make sure your Rose petals are clean
and dry, and free from pesticides. Lightly wisk an egg white, and very carefully paint your entire
petal. Then dust over some castor sugar, place on a sheet of kitchen roll, and put in a warm dry
place, (airing cupboard is always good). Once dry, place in an air tight container and use
within a couple of months.
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