Today with my family.
Father Christmas gave my eldest daughter a fantastic British bake off hamper, so we
Decided to have a mother and daughter baking day and made some yummy rose
Flavoured cup cakes. I thought I'd share some snaps of them with my favourite rose
Inspired vintage china.
Very simple to make. Weigh 3 eggs then use the same quantity of castor sugar,
Self raising flour and stork, 1tsp vanilla paste, 1tsp rose water, pinch of baking powder,
Pinch of salt and 1tbs of milk..... Pink food colouring optional.
Method.. Cream together stork, sugar and vanilla paste, add one egg at a time and beat adding
A good pinch of flour with each egg, finally sieve in the rest of the flour, salt and baking powder,
Add the milk and rose water. Now... If you want to make them a little more rosey, half the mix
And add some pink food colouring to one half. Spoon equal amounts into cupcake cases and
Swirl with a spoon, bake on gas mark 4 for 20 mins..... Mmmmm yum
Emma & Chloe x
Fantastic ! Love your photography, your buns look delicious ! I will add this recipe to my collection xxx